
This is a Contrast program for developing muscular strength and size. The concept of a Contrast program is to follow a set of heavy repetitions with a set of lighter (contrast) repetitions.


This is a Contrast program for developing muscular strength and size. The concept of a Contrast program is to follow a set of heavy repetitions with a set of lighter (contrast) repetitions. The goal is to safely increase the weight used for the contrast set until it is as close to the heavy set as possible. Because each set is done for seven relatively heavy reps, this is an effective method for developing strength and size.

Equipment Required (must-have*):

1. Power Rack*

2. Olympic Barbell*

3. Weight Plates*

4. Trap Bar*

5. Landmine Or Dumbbells*

Disclaimer: All training, nutrition, and supplement suggestions/programs are not medical advice. Neither Alexander Nurse Bey; BEYPERFORMANCE.COM; or AXIS PERFORMANCE + TRAINING; nor any of its affiliate entities assume any liability from any injury taking place from the purchase and/or following of any program(s), suggestion(s), instruction(s), or advice within or from BEYPERFORMANCE.COM.

1 review for The 1/6 Contrast

  1. (1)

    Dr. Rob Morano

    Challenging, yet simple and effective. 5 stars.

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