
Performing the simple, low-volume programs in the 4D Athlete can help you to maintain and improve your athleticism while chasing your strength and hypertrophy (weight-gain) goals in the weight room.


Athleticism can wane over the course of a training cycle devoted to developing strength and muscle mass. This is because weight training can diminish the ability to rotate, reduce the elastic quality of our tendons, and result in weight gain- and heavier bodies are more difficult to move. Performing the simple, low-volume programs in the 4D Athlete can help you to maintain and improve your athleticism while chasing your strength and hypertrophy (weight-gain) goals in the weight room.

The programs in the 4D athlete involve strategic sequences of sprints & agility work, jumps, throws, and core strengthening exercises. Performing the program with effort and consistency will provide you with the tools and requisite skills to run faster, jump higher, reduce non-contact injuries, and be a greater threat during competition.

Equipment Required: (*must-have)

1. Medicine Ball (4-8lbs)

2. Swiss Ball

3. 10 to 20 yards of space

4. Boxes/benches/elevated surfaces

Disclaimer: All training, nutrition, and supplement suggestions/programs are not medical advice. Neither Alexander Nurse Bey; BEYPERFORMANCE.COM; or AXIS PERFORMANCE + TRAINING; nor any of its affiliate entities assume any liability from any injury taking place from the purchase and/or following of any program(s), suggestion(s), instruction(s), or advice within or from BEYPERFORMANCE.COM.


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